

When looking at successful real estate transactions, it is important to remember the age-old Supply vs. Demand economics mantra. A factor that directly affects Demand is an increase in population, and that is why the recently announced 2010 Census results caught my attention.
The most recent census shows that overall the population of Colorado increased 16.9% (to 5, 029,196), while the City of Boulder specifically increased nominally 2.9% (to 97,385 people) over the last 10 years (from 2000 - 2010). Other communities of Boulder County that had significant growth are Longmont +21.3% and Superior +38.5%, while Erie (which straddles Boulder & Weld Counties) increased by 94% and Broomfield (which straddles Boulder & Broomfield Counties) increased by 46%.
Boulder County Cities/Towns: Boulder: 97,385, up 2.9 percent. Longmont: 86,270, up 21.3 percent. Broomfield: 55,889, up 46 percent. Lafayette: 24,453, up 5.4 percent. Louisville: 18,376, down 3.1 percent Superior: 12,483, up 38.5 percent Niwot: 4,006, down 3.7 percent. Allenspark: 528, up 6.5 percent Jamestown: 274, up 33.7 percent Gold Hill: 230, up 9.5 percent Ward: 150, down 11.2 percent.
For a more information on this report click here.

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