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Happy New Year! I hope that this New Year has started off well for you. In trying to catch up with the speed of the real estate market already this year, it is worth clarifying exactly what happened in 2012… In summary, throughout all of Boulder County more properties sold in 2012 vs. 2011. Properties sold faster, less inventory was for sale, and median property values saw noticeable increases. Professionally, my own Sold sales volume increased ~71% from year-end 2011 vs. 2012! It was a good year, with very positive momentum as we now charge ahead into 2013. Right now the major theme in the Boulder County real estate market is VERY limited inventory/properties for sale. Interest rates for buyers are still at historic lows, so it truly is a great time to buy. Limited supply coupled with affordability of financing means it will be a very busy or “hustley” year as we anticipate continued increases in sold values and decreased days of the market.  I sincerely appreciate the trust and confidence my clients have had in my efforts to assist in successful buying/selling of local real estate. I will continue to do all that I can to stop in front of the market statistics & property-wise, and I sincerely appreciate any referrals. Have a good beginning of 2013! 

Average Inventory

2009-2012 Avg Inventory YEAR  

Average Inventory - Slim pickins! Boulder County is experiencing ~7 year lows in available properties. This can clearly be seen in all communities and in both houses & condos/townhomes. 2012 ended with a ~27% decrease in Active properties for sale vs. year-end 2011. As we slip into the spring months and into the 2nd quarter, more will indeed be coming onto the market, but 2012 year-end statistics clearly show a steady decrease in properties for sale.

Quantity of Homes Sold

2009-2012 Qty of Homes Sold YEAR

Quantity of Homes Sold - More properties sold in 2012 vs. 2011! There are noticeable increases sold volume in all Boulder County communities. Specifically, single-family homes sold were up ~24% and condos/townhomes sold were up ~20% over Boulder County in 2012 vs. 2011. This is positive momentum as we anticipate similar to increased sales volume in 2013.

Days to Contract

2009-2012 Avg Days to Contract YEAR

Days to Contract - Faster! With limited inventory in 2012, the pace of the market picked up and the overall number of days on market noticeably decreased throughout all communities of Boulder County. Specifically the overall average days on market for 2012 year-end was 91 days vs. 156 days year-end 2011 and 189 days on market year-end 2010. In summary, this means that properties sold twice as fast in 2012 vs. 2010!

Average Sold Price

2009-2012 Avg Sold Price YEAR

Average Sold Price - Gains! 2012 also ended with slight increases in the overall average sold prices throughout all of Boulder County. As a whole the local Boulder County market expanded with a ~3.5% increase in the 2012 year-end average price of single-family homes vs. 2011 year-end. Boulder specifically had a 2012 average sold single-family home price of ~$668,000 (highest in the county) vs. Longmont average sold single-family home price of ~$245,000 (lowest in the county).

Median Sold Price

2009-2012 Median Sold Price YEAR

Median Sold Price - Here it is… The true statement of the local market value is looking at the median prices, which is at what value/price did most sales occur. It can be seen that there were overall increases in median sold prices throughout all of Boulder County for 2012 vs. 2011. Specifically in Boulder, single-family homes median sold value in 2012 was ~$585,000 vs. ~$565,000 in 2011. Equity is being gained!

Re/Max Co-Founder & CEO, Dave Liniger, offers a brief 2012 summary of the housing market and 10 predictions for the 2013 national housing market. [youtube]