Avg Inventory - We have seen steady high levels of inventory in Boulder single family homes & condos/townhomes, as well as Longmont single family homes over the 2nd quarter of the last 2 years. So in summary, there truly has been more on the market for sale and the amount of inventory will take awhile to be absorbed, which truly makes these specific areas a "buyer's market." We can also anticipate a decrease in inventory as we go into the 3rd quarter as some of this inventory will be purchased, others will come off market (Withdrawn), but mainly the peak sales season will be behind us going into Fall.
Days to Contract
Days to Contract - At the completion of the 2nd quarter of 2011 we have had a noticeable increase in Average Days to Contract on Boulder single family homes. Yes, Boulder houses are selling, but they are taking longer - Averaging ~90 Days of Market up from ~60 Days on Market 2nd quarter of 2010. Noticeable is also a steady trend line of Boulder condos/townhomes taking ~120 Days on Market. There have also been increases of Days on Market in 2nd Quarter 2011 vs. 2010 specifically in Broomfield (homes & condos), Lafayette (homes), Longmont (homes & condos), Louisville (homes), Superior (homes), and Mountain (homes). Nothing is really selling "fast" in Boulder County!
Median Sold Price
Median Sold Price - There is a consistent median value of Boulder homes over the 2nd quarter of the last 3 years running (~$550,000), also with noticeable increases in median values of Boulder condos, Lafayette homes, Superior condos, and Plains homes & condos. There is a very noticeable decrease in median values of Mountain homes, as well as "softening" of Superior home prices, Erie and Lafayette condo properties.
Avg Sold Price
Avg Sold Price - There is also a fairly consistent trend of Average Sold Prices for Boulder homes (~$650,000) and a slight increase in Boulder condos (~$325,000). We are also seeing some large properties out on the Plains sell with Average Sold Prices holding ~$600,000. Most communities have remained fairly consistent over this time period, however there are noticeable decreases in average sold prices of Mountain homes, Erie condos, Lafayette condos, and Louisville condos.
Quantity of Homes Sold
Quantity of Homes Sold - At the completion of the 2nd quarter of 2011, we have seen steady sales occur in Boulder (~225), Broomfield and Superior homes, but noticeable decreases in sales of Boulder condos (~160) compared to 2010 (tax credit influenced?) and Longmont homes & condos. We can anticipate further steady sales going into the 3rd quarter, as 2nd & 3rd quarter see the majority of sales activity when compared to the rest of the year. Properties are indeed selling and values are largely holding steady other than Mountain properties primarily.